

How to choose the suitable membrane structure bike shed?

Hits: 1294 Publication time: 2018-12-05 SML

Now cars have spread to every family, many governments, factories and enterprises, individuals build carport will more consider membrane structure architecture form. Built bike shed for us outdoor parking membrane structure provides a very good parking spots, adopt advanced design form, not only good level high its performance properties can meet the demand of the theory. So, how to choose suits own membrane structure bike shed? In this paper, on the topic for everyone to do a simple introduction, so that everyone in the building on the membrane structure sheds little detours, please follow below the fo LAN membrane structure of the company's small make up together and see it!

Carport membrane structure is composed of membrane material with steel quality, the effect of different membrane materials corresponding is also different, some focused on TongGuangLv, some focused on modelling respect, some sturdy but art tension is not very good, so in the choice to choose according to their actual needs.

A, membrane material characteristic: membrane material is made of polyester fiber or fiber glass and PVC coating or PVDF coating or composite oxide coating, different materials directly affects the service life. Similarly, the extension of membrane material made of different materials, thickness, self-cleaning performance are also different. Not all of these is the higher the better, for you is good.

Artistic: now that chose to use membrane structure in hainan, so can't simply just build a shed, otherwise don't choose membrane structure. Membrane structure sheds art modelling also needs to consider, the modelling of different scenes with different ability to reflect the beauty of membrane structure sheds, is to choose a pull or arched or roof caving, these will communicate with designers once, can not blindly go to importune.

Three, the choice of steel: for steel selection is follow the selection of membrane material, membrane structure need to match different steel bracket, steel stents have different species such as round steel, Angle steel, some beautiful sex good, some wind and rain corrosion resistance is strong, we must understand more before choosing specific parameters and decision. The performance of the membrane material is almost determines the use of steel.

The position of the membrane structure carport and field is the key to choose yunnan membrane structure, we can root their actual demand to choose suitable size of the bike shed, master before selecting and installing more communication can how to choose the material saving.

When all are chosen after a more relaxed, and about the price, most is based on membrane material selection to determine, if choose, is a design qualification for a production workshop installation team of integrated companies, the price will be relatively preferential a lot of, also save a lot of trouble in the middle. And most of the quotation is according to the materials and production costs, the quotation also be clear at a glance.

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